From Slavery to The White House

Hello my dear pupils! I hope you are all doing well. This new chapter will deal about a very special subject. Can you try to guess what it is? :) Doc 1: working in cotton fields Look at this picture: describe it as precisely as possible. Correction: You can see people working outside, in what appears to be a cotton field in a cotton plantation. All the workers are black - skinn ed : they are slaves. Their work looks (= avoir l'air) harsh and difficult. There is no happiness in this picture. Black - skinn ed: on a rendu cela sous forme adjectivale en ajoutant un "-" et un -ed. Now, look at this picture: describe it and compare it with the previous one. Correction: This is Barack Obama, a former (= ancien) President of the USA. He was the first black President elected in this country in 2009. He looks happy, he's the leader (= dirigeant) of one of the most powerful countries in the world. Nous sommes donc passés de personnes noires rendues esclaves à une vie ...